Annual report | PPC106
In our most recent Annual Report, Mark Williams, Honorary Treasurer on BPCA's Executive Board, assesses the Association's finances for 2021 with optimism for the year ahead.

Firstly, I’d like to wish you, your families and your businesses the best for the forthcoming year.
2021, in the end, turned out to be a surprisingly good year for the Association. Like many, I think we planned prudence but were cautiously optimistic too.
Membership numbers were up (the key health indicator for us) with excellent retention and, just as importantly, good growth in new members.
These two metrics indicate that the Association is generally moving in the right direction to support membership and the wider sector.
Our strategic vision is clear, but we’d love to hear your feedback, whether that be via the Forums, membership assessments, committees or in person at PestEx this month.
2021 saw us continue to invest and develop in our digital offering, and this continues to be well received by you. Indeed most of our revenue growth came from training-related activities.
A big thank you to Karen and the team here. This is increasingly becoming a highly competitive space, and we know that we’ll need to remain at the forefront of innovation and content quality if you continue to support us.
Our strategic vision is clear, but we’d love to hear your feedback, whether that be via the Forums, membership assessments, committees or in person at PestEx this month.
Mark Williams, Honorary Treasurer, BPCA Exec Board
Traditional face-to-face style training was down, but given another Covid year, that’s hardly surprising. We’re aware digital communication has its challenges.
Still, there are many benefits, especially when it‘s allowed us ultimately to engage better and serve you (although we’re certainly looking forward to seeing you all at PestEx!).
As part of the strategy, we’ve rearranged our membership team under Dee’s leadership and invested in two additional field support staff, to ensure we improve direct engagement and support.
Despite the restrictions of operating a primarily closed office at Derby, I’d hope that you’ll agree that Ian and his team have again done an amazing job in continuing to run the Association in a near-normal business-as-usual fashion.
For 2022, we’re cautiously optimistic. We have strong finances backed by a good reserves policy. This year’s PestEx will bring new challenges.
We are post-Brexit and still affected by Covid, but it’ll almost certainly be the highlight of the year, and no less so than for our finances.
To close, I would like to thank you for your support and, as always, encourage everyone, both old and new, to become involved with what is, after all, your trade association.
I’ll remind you that for it to work, it needs you, your passion, and your energy.
Please attend the Forums, join in with your local Contract Sharing Network, serve on a committee or even the Board. Why not find out how the Association serves its members and the wider industry?
I wish everyone success with their businesses in 2022.
Mark Williams
BPCA Honorary Treasurer
The Executive Board is the governing body of the Association and Board Members, as Directors, have a duty of care to both BPCA Members and the BPCA Staff team.
The Board’s emphasis is on strategy and performance, stewardship and conformance.
The Board also ensures that resources are used appropriately (money, time, staff etc) and that relevant legislation is adhered to.
Meetings attended (max 6) |
President |
Philip Halpin |
Countrywide Environmental Services |
6 |
Vice Presidents |
Mike Ayers |
Precision Pest Management |
4 |
Chris Cagienard |
Pest Solutions |
6 |
Honorary Treasurer |
Mark Williams |
Ecolab |
5 |
Immediate Past President |
Martin Harvey |
Harvey Environmental Services |
1 (to 30/7/21) |
Tom Holmes |
Pelsis |
5 (from 30/7/21) |
Manufacturers and Distributors Committee Chair |
Anthony O’Hare |
3 (from 21/9/21) |
Servicing Committee Chair |
Martin Rose-King |
Bounty Pest Control |
5 |
Outreach and Communications Committee Chair |
Julia Pittman |
Beaver Pest Control |
4 |
Professional Standards Committee Chair |
Malcolm Stowell |
Safeguard Pest Control and Environmental Services |
5 |
Board members |
Jason Cholerton |
CSS Pest Services |
6 |
Chris Corbett |
Aderyn |
6 |
Mick Kilburn |
Elite Pest Management |
6 |
Michael Taylor |
Contego Environmental Services |
5 |
Paul Westgate |
Veritas Pest Consultancy |
5 |
Mark White |
Dealey Environmental |
6 |