PPC110 | Annual report

Treasurer’s report: A good year and strong sales in digital
2022 was a good year. The Association’s revenue and net surplus were above plan and largely explained by the performance of PestEx, which returned to an in-person event. All metrics were excellent, and the exhibition space sold out.
The Association’s finances also drew upon great support from its membership – thank you. Annual return revenues were up in most categories. Strong sales were also seen across our digital offers as we continue to look to invest in, and stay ahead of, the latest developments.
We dipped our toe in 3D virtual training, utilising grant income, and the initial results are very encouraging. We still recognise the benefit and importance of blended learning offers, and our practical training at Yarnfield continues to be well received.
The variable revenue streams of training, advertising and events are vital to ensuring the Association is financially healthy, allowing us a strong plan for investment in our strategy, especially public affairs. Our PA work protects our toolkit, which seems relentlessly under pressure.
2022 saw us launch a new working group of the Board: our Finance Working Group (FWG). It’s tasked with considering best practices and recommending matters relating to the Association’s finances.
The Group worked hard reviewing and formalising policies for Financial Governance, Strategy and Investment shared early in 2023 with members.
There’s more work to be done, with a complex piece of work reviewing categories of membership and fees, along with the value and cost of the benefits they deliver.
I want to thank you for your support and, as always, encourage everyone to become involved with what is, after all, your Association. To work, it needs you and your passion.
Please attend BPCA Forums, join in with your local Contract Sharing Network and Special Interest Groups, serve on the Committees or consider a Board position to drive how the Association serves you and the wider sector.
I wish everyone success in 2023.
Mark Williams