Professional Pest Controller Magazine Issue 111

06 June 2023

Editorial: Sticky traps and sticky growth? Stick with it!

PPC111 | Editorial

As we move from spring into summer, the shape of 2023 is becoming clear. 

2023 seems to be the year of glue boards, trapping mice and acquisitions.

We’ve got an entire page following the passage of three separate pieces of legislation regarding rodent glue boards in England, Wales and Scotland.

Much of BPCA’s time has been spent defending professional use on all three fronts (a special thanks to Northern Ireland, which has wisely decided glue boards aren’t on the agenda this year). 

The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) statement, “rodent traps are a suitable alternative to chemicals for controlling house mice infestations”, has caused much tutting and eye-rolling across Europe.

Post-Brexit, the European Commission’s opinion should matter little to UK pest professionals.

However, in reality, our own HSE is still roughly aligned with EU legislation.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to CEPA’s survey on such short notice. Over 600 people clicked on the survey so, assuming you all finished it, you helped provide evidence that might put an end to this madness. 

Not a week goes by without news of an acquisition in the sector. Pest management is ripe for acquisition, and this is a normal part of the sector’s cycle.

Big companies buy established small and medium-sized businesses. Some staff from acquired businesses splinter off and start their own pest companies. They grow steadily over time, and 10-20 years later, they’re ripe for acquisition too. 

Given the cost of living, it’s no surprise that we’ve not seen the influx of new pest management businesses that we’d normally expect. We can see why people would be reluctant to start a new company. However, our sector is famously resilient, and there’s plenty of work to go around. 

If you are looking to set up and start a pest control company, BPCA is on hand to help. We offer a range of resources and support, and we are always happy to answer your questions.

New or established, we hope the summer keeps your business busy, and the phone keeps ringing. Take care of yourselves and your teams. The busy season is (hopefully) just beginning! 

Scott and Dee
PPC editors

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