Professional Pest Controller Magazine Issue 111

06 June 2023

Pests in politics June 2023: the state of play for glue boards

PPC111 | Pests in politics

Losing track of where glue board legislation is at? This chart contains everything we know at the time of publication! 

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England  |  Scotland  |  Wales




Glue Traps (Offences) Act 2022

What does it propose to ban?

Setting a glue trap
Finding a glue trap and not making it safe.

Legislation status

Royal Assent (currently an enacted law, but in a two-year roll-out period expected to come into force around April 2024).

Licence status

Provision for professional pest controllers. Defra is currently working on viable licences with Natural England.

BPCA work-in-progress

Currently in regular contact with Defra regarding licences. The BPCA Glue Board Working Group has been working on what the sector considers a viable licensing programme. 

BPCA work-to-date

BPCA secured a provision for licensing pest professionals through lobbying work
BPCA produced briefing documents for politicians around glue boards and why they’re essential for protecting public health - we wrote to many politicians to explain our concerns
BPCA gathered evidence and case studies from the sector supporting glue traps
BPCA carried out a PR campaign to raise press attention to the impact on public health or a proposed ban. 



Wildlife Management and Muirburn (Scotland) Bill

What does it propose to ban?

Using glue traps
Purchasing glue traps.

Legislation status

The Bill is currently at Stage 1 – committees examine the Bill and gather views. They produce reports before MSPs debate the Bill in the chamber. MSPs then decide on the purpose (general principles) of the Bill.

The call for views closed on 5 May 2023.

Licence status

No licences for professionals in Bill.

BPCA work-in-progress

BPCA has submitted our evidence to the committee
BPCA is lobbying for an amendment to the Bill to include a provision to license glue traps for professionals
BPCA has written to all members in Scotland to ask them to engage with their MSPs and provide further case studies.

BPCA work-to-date

BPCA gathered evidence and case studies from the sector supporting glue traps
BPCA carried out a PR campaign to raise press attention to the impact on public health or a proposed ban
Despite our lobbying efforts, the Scottish Animal Welfare Commission recommended the ban of rodent glue boards in March 2021
BPCA previously gave evidence at the Scottish Parliament Public Petitions Committee in 2019.



Agriculture (Wales) Bill 2022

What does it propose to ban?

Setting a glue trap.

Legislation status

The Bill is currently at Stage 3 – detailed consideration by the Senedd of the Bill and any amendments tabled.

Licence status

No licences for professionals in Bill.

BPCA work-in-progress

Frustratingly, the Bill continued without amendments into Stage 3. We’ve formally challenged the evidence provided to the Committee which they’ve quoted in their report
The Stage 1 report inaccurately states that “local authorities did not use them [rodent glue boards], and neither they nor pest control services had raised any concerns about a ban”
We’ve written to the Economy, Trade, and Rural Affairs Committee, all the members, the Speaker and the Secretary of State for Wales stating all the factual inaccuracies in their report.

BPCA work-to-date

BPCA submitted substantial evidence to the committee based on consultation with the sector.
BPCA gave evidence at the Select Committee on glue boards. The general principles of the Bill were agreed upon without the amendments BPCA was hoping to secure. BPCA believes their conclusions were based on flawed evidence (speaking to only a few local authorities and misquoting a large BPCA member company). 
BPCA produced briefing documents for politicians concerning glue boards and why they’re essential for protecting public health. We wrote to many politicians to explain our concerns.
BPCA carried out a PR campaign to raise press attention to the impact on public health or a proposed ban. BPCA’s campaign in Wales appeared in The Express
BPCA gathered evidence and case studies from the sector supporting glue traps.

The work of other parties

NPTA joined the Select Committee (remotely) supporting BPCA’s position. 

What about Northern Ireland?

The Northern Ireland government has confirmed that it is not pursuing any glue board legislation at this time.


If you have any queries or concerns about glue board licensing or bans, get in touch.

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