Professional Pest Controller Magazine Issue 111

06 June 2023

Pests in the press: January to March 2023

PPC111 | Public relations

Our regular PPC magazine feature, taking a look at public relations and how BPCA works with the press to educate the public about pest awareness.

press hero

In 2023, PR priorities for BPCA include continuing to work with journalists in mainstream media and trade-specific titles. The aim is to raise both the awareness of pest issues and the profile of BPCA, while engaging with radio and television broadcasters.

Much of our PR work is centred around getting the public to recognise the importance of hiring a pest professional with BPCA membership, so we continue that work into 2023.

Activity in Q1

Building on press attention of rodenticide resistance and glue boards in Q4 2022, the year started with a press release reminding householders and businesses to check lofts for signs of rodents when putting away festive decorations.

Extensive coverage on rodenticide resistance in January included a quote from BPCA’s Head of Technical, Dee Ward-Thompson, and was featured across the UK including titles in Wales, Scotland and across England from Hull to Cornwall.

This was followed by a call-to-action warning against cutting corners when dealing with rats, picked up by regional papers across the UK in January and February.

There was further coverage in March when BPCA was quoted in articles for the Scottish press, after residents raised concerns about infestations in their street.

Scottish squirrels were also causing problems for residents in the run-up to Easter, with BPCA’s Natalie Bungay invited to comment on squirrel infestations on radio and television in early April.

In February and into March, press releases were issued to shine a spotlight on PPC Live, with trade titles and magazines featuring the event, plus regional newspapers across Yorkshire.

Comments from BPCA were included in a number of stories in the press, while previously issued information and press releases from the Association continue to reappear in national and regional news outlets.

Maintaining BPCA’s profile is vital to position the Association as a voice for the industry. Journalists at The Sun sought help with identifying an animal captured on video in London. Was it a badger or a skunk? Spoiler: it was a skunk.

Targeted work remains a key element of BPCA activity, with bespoke articles provided for specific relevant titles. In the early part of the year, these have included features provided for Food Processing Magazine, Conservation and Heritage Journal and Tomorrow’s Cleaning.

Planned work in Q2 of 2023 includes press releases concerning gulls, SPIs and insects, with a media note in production to showcase the technical expertise BPCA can offer to journalists working in print, radio and television.

Top 3 headlines

Rats’s Ridiculous - The Sun (Scotland)

Fears a new breed of ‘super rodents’ could be a ‘threat to humans’ - Hull Daily Mail (link)

Fighting pests on the frontline - Tomorrow’s Cleaning (link)

Total articles 2023: 123
Total circulation: 64,324,584

Read all about it!

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