Professional Pest Controller Magazine Issue 113

27 November 2023

Pests in the press: July to September 2023

PESTS IN THE PRESS | PPC113 November 2023

Our regular PPC magazine feature, taking a look at public relations and how BPCA works with the press to educate the public about pest awareness.

press hero

While the coverage figures reflect a strong media presence for BPCA in Q3, this is merely the build-up to the media frenzy ignited in the first week of October after soaring bed bug infestations in Paris.

Look out for the Q4 figures in PPC114 for the media blitz that followed!

Activity in Q3

Rats are not a usual summer topic, but in July, BPCA issued a press release about rats in gardens and emphasised the lack of evidence for home deterrents (eg planting lavender) which have become popular.

Moving into late July and August, we saw a spike in pest-related stories with BPCA’s press release urging homes and businesses to watch out for wasp nests, gaining traction across the country.

Almost 100 news outlets in Scotland, Wales and across England featured advice from BPCA on wasps.

Articles, picking up on widely-reported, early summer issues with squirrels in Scotland, continued through to September when a ‘spike in spider sightings’ story from BPCA gained coverage in regional news, with a number of mentions and comments on radio.

But as the month drew to a close, another mini-beast was poised to hit the headlines.

In August, the first media enquiries came in from journalists wanting information about bed bugs, followed by two more in September with both iNews and the Sunday Times Magazine contacting BPCA for information.

Following Mr Macron’s speech about the scourge of bed bugs in Paris at the very start of October, BPCA issued a media advisory pack, directing journalists to ask BPCA experts for information – and they did!

At the time of writing, the team has fielded more than 40 enquiries from journalists at major news outlets including BBC News, the Press Association, BBC Radio 4, The Jeremy Vine Show, ITV, Sky News, Channel 5, The Times, The Independent, Mail on Sunday, Bloomberg News, CNBC and GB News, with many making multiple requests for comments, information and interviews.

Our dream team, Natalie Bungay and John Horsley, gave interviews and comments for online, print TV and radio, and were on hand to answer questions and appear live for BPCA. 

But sometimes journalists want a more grassroots point of view, and this is where our links with members come in handy.

If you would like to be included on our list of media savvy members, for future news article enquiries or the chance to appear in TV or radio interviews, let us know:

Circulation figures for the various interviews and enquiries about bed bugs are currently being collated and will be included in the next Pests in the Press.

Work with specific titles catering to associated trades continued in Q3 with articles for Facilities Management Journal, Tomorrow’s Cleaning, National Craft Butchers, The Field and Environmental Health News.

Looking ahead, BPCA will issue its first guide to pest control for students, to consider which creatures we should really be scared of at Halloween and to highlight simple steps for homeowners to deter rats this winter.

Top 3 headlines

September spike in spiders! - Tenby Observer (web)

Pest experts issue wasp nest warning to householders - Mansfield Chad

Squirrels – cute and furry garden animals or a menace? - London Business Matters

Total articles 2023: 679

Total circulation: 307,561,850

Read all about it!

Spot something in the press? Idea for a press release? Tell us.

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