PPC 114 | Editorial
As we sit down together to start writing our first foreword for PPC in 2024, we’re excited (and a little nervous) about everything we’ve planned for the year.
It’s PestEx – our absolute favourite BPCA event. Thousands of pest professionals worldwide join forces to celebrate our critical work at ExCeL, London.
If you’ve never been before, please consider joining us in the capital for this truly unique festival of pest management. It’s our biggest show ever, and we have surprises and guests you don’t want to miss.
Regarding surprises, we’ve got some significant new projects and benefits coming together for 2024 (one of which will be unveiled exclusively at PestEx!).
Recruiting technicians, improving our qualifications, defending our toolkit, and enhancing the value of BPCA membership are all on the cards this year.
Two new people have joined the BPCA staff team, and we’re now up to around 70 volunteers from member companies that help run the Association for the benefit of the sector.
And it’s an election year, likely leading to a new governing party. This will significantly impact our lobbying work, and our campaigning has already started to ensure that our influence isn’t diminished post-election.
Chemical regulation, glue boards and toolkit challenges are all top of our political hit list.
Significant changes are coming in BPCA and the entire sector.
You’re choosing to stay ahead of the game by reading PPC magazine. You’re invested in the future of your sector. We’ll do our best to keep you in the loop and prepare you for the future.
We hope you have a busy year too and thanks again for your support.
Stay curious.
Scott and Dee
PPC editors
Did you see us?
PPC magazine was the guest publication on Episode 10, Series 66 of Have I Got a Bit More News for You, broadcast on Friday 22 Dec 2023. Panelists included Armando Iannucci, Phil Wang, Paul Merton and Ian Hislop talking about everyone's favourite pest magazine.