Professional Pest Controller Magazine Issue 115

03 May 2024

Editorial: A celebration of passion in pest management

PPC115 | Editorial

Many who wandered the hall at PestEx 2024 commented on the passion, optimism and electric atmosphere.

We’re keen to continue that theme in this issue of Professional Pest Controller (PPC) magazine.

We often get bogged down in what’s wrong with the sector and not what’s going right.

The professionalism and profile of our sector continue to flourish – we see that across numerous articles in PPC, particularly in our feature on TrustMark government-endorsed quality and our Future of Pest Management executive summary.

And in this issue, we celebrate our wealth of fantastic, energetic volunteers.

We face trying times ahead, but we hope that, when you explore the pages of this issue, you will see the incremental steps of progress and innovation evident in the sector. BPCA’s ability to influence the Scottish Parliament with the support of hundreds of PPC readers is just one way that we’ve made a positive difference together.

Yes, our toolkit is under scrutiny. The cost of living crisis is hitting our customers. But, as a sector, we remain resilient.

Thanks to those of you who stopped by the BPCA stand at PestEx. Your encouragement keeps us all focused on supporting the sector and gives us the tools we need to make real industry change.

Scott and Dee
PPC editors


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