Professional Pest Controller Magazine Issue 118

14 March 2025

BPCA Treasurer’s Report 2024

PPC118 | Annual report

2024 was another good year for the Association financially, with better than planned performances on both the top and bottom lines.

BPCA Registered, the UK’s leading CPD scheme for professional pest controllers, also enjoyed another record year, with subscribers topping 3,700.

For the seventh consecutive year, there’ll be no rate increase for this scheme, which we believe to be the best CPD scheme in the sector. 

Of course, it was a PestEx year. With record floor sales, revenues were up some 3% on the plan and 24% over the 2022 event (albeit that was the first major event immediately post-covid), reconfirming PestEx as the premier pest sector trade show in Europe.

Everyone had to work above and beyond the norm to make it the best, so a big thank you from the Board to the staff team for their hard work and dedication.

The Association continues to face significant financial headwinds: falling membership revenues from acquisitions (especially in our medium and larger membership categories) and falling training revenues (arising from increasingly price-competitive commercial providers). 

The global pest control sector remains attractive for investors, especially here in the UK with consolidation rates approaching 6% year-on-year.  

Mindful of the risk, the Board commissioned the Finance Working Group back in 2023 to review the member subscriptions model, something that hasn’t been addressed in over 20 years and had its largest membership category capping out at just £5M turnover. 

The work was completed in 2024, and the new membership subscriptions model will be operating in 2025. The number of bands has increased, with the step-up to the next category reduced in a number of cases to make transitions less significant, and the top band has been raised to £100M.

The Board believes this will be a fairer model to all. Most of the bands remain static, only being adjusted for inflation. A few of the larger members will see an increased fee but that still represents excellent value for money. 

This revision will allow the Association to continue to pursue its Mission in support of members' aims.

While our new training offers, especially those on digital platforms, are doing well, increasing price competition from commercial providers continues to challenge our traditional training revenues.

The team believes our qualification-based packages are qualitatively the best on the market, so I ask you to consider taking advantage of discounts available for members when looking for training or qualifications.

The Association uses all the money from its trading activities and reinvests it in strategy and other member-focused activities.

The other significant financial event of the year was the replacement of our backend systems and technology. The first phase investment budget was £170K, and the project was delivered on time and on budget.

This investment in our technology will future-proof the Association and allow better member and stakeholder engagement for years to come.

Unfortunately, this will be my last annual report as BPCA's Treasurer.

It’s been a privilege to serve the membership and the wider sector over the past ten years, and I would like to thank all of you for your support. 

As I always do, I'll finish with a plea for everyone to get involved with your Trade Association.

For it to work, it needs you and your passion, so attend the Forums, join Special Interest Groups, serve on Committees, or even run for the Board.

Learn more about how the Association serves its members and the wider sector. 

I wish everyone success with their business in 2025 and beyond.

Mark Williams
BPCA Treasurer

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