Professional Pest Controller Magazine Issue 96

21 August 2019

Pest awareness for everyone

Your Association | PPC96 August 2019

From facilities management to the equine world, BPCA’s PR efforts reach a wide-ranging and diverse audience.

Jane Shepherd from BPCA’s agency, Shepherd PR, talks about why it’s important that BPCA and its members have a concentrated PR effort that reaches hundreds of thousands of people every year.

Pest Awareness For Everyone Shepherd BPCA headlines

Regardless of the media title, the message is the same. The UK needs to see pest management as a vital part of what they do.

Whether it’s to protect public health and safety, reputation or the environment – the best outcome is to work with a BPCA professional. That’s what we shout about every day. 

Over the years, BPCA has built and maintained a strong position in the national and regional media, as well as in broadcast – and, of course, the more obscure industry magazine titles.

You’d be hard-pressed to find a news story about a pest that BPCA isn’t referenced in nowadays, which is a reflection of just how much influence the organisation and its members have.

A new approach

Keeping that profile is a vital part of what we do.

However, for the future, we’ve developed a working plan with Scott and Kat at BPCA to ensure the content builds a bigger picture of the value of pest management.

Expect to see guides, video and audio/podcast content coming online later this year, which talk about the different types of pests and sets out the solutions from BPCA members in addressing them.

The content will be particularly useful as a BPCA member benefit, as you will be able to link it to your own website and social media channels.

We’ll also be targeting more broadcast opportunities.

We feel that conversational style in radio resonates with listeners, ensuring we get the important message across to the public about being PestAware and, as a result, more knowledgeable about appointing a BPCA member to get the job done.

Next steps

We’ll continue to keep the national profile, as that’s an important element of our work.

However, by providing more engaging content than ever, we can amplify the PestAware message across the UK.

That’s going to present more opportunities for you and your business.

In our next column, we’ll share how our work is progressing, to keep you informed. Watch this space!

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