Rodent management articles and pest control news

07 August 2018

Free information materials support CPD and best practice for rodent control

A new set of information materials supporting effective and responsible rodenticide use has been published by UK Rodenticide Stewardship and are available free of charge to all users.

Topics include:

  • Exposure of wildlife to rodenticides
  • Direct bait application in burrows
  • Environmental risk assessments
  • Changes to classifications and pack sizes.

The modules have been compiled by Campaign for Responsible Rodenticide Use UK experts, co-ordinated through CRRU work groups.

CRRU Training & Certification work group leader Dr Matthew Davies reports that more materials are in development. 

"For the time being, participation in continuous professional development (CPD) is not a condition for proof of competence to purchase stewardship-label rodenticides," he explains. "Even so, CPD is strongly advised and supported by CRRU UK."

"In addition to DIY use by committed pest controllers, farmers and gamekeepers, the modules can, as one example, be used to support CPD by registered trainers with relevant stewardship-certification organisations including BASIS, City & Guilds and LANTRA."

"CRRU will monitor uptake of CPD materials as an indicator of rodenticide users' appetites for pursuing best possible practice," Dr Davies adds. "This information will be included in rodenticide stewardship's reporting to the UK Government panel that oversees its operation."

View materials now

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