Rodent management articles and pest control news

09 May 2016

Two new backers brings CRRU UK roster to 17

The Campaign for Responsible Rodenticide Use (CRRU) has two new members contributing financially and providing expertise to the UK Rodenticide Stewardship Regime. They are Belgagri from Belgium and Impex Europa, Spain. This takes the number of CRRU member companies to 17.As members of CRRU, they become recognised formally as participants in the stewardship regime. On its implementation

As members of CRRU, they become recognised formally as participants in the stewardship regime. On its implementation task force, the new members are represented respectively by Antoine Trigaux and Sandra Barbosa.By adding to

By adding to long-standing commitments from existing sponsors, the arrival of two new members is timely to support the successful implementation of stewardship, according to CRRU chairman Dr Alan Buckle."Clearly, additional sources of funding for CRRU UK is most welcome to help cover what is a major and annually recurring investment in stewardship by rodenticide manufacturers and

"Clearly, additional sources of funding for CRRU UK is most welcome to help cover what is a major and annually recurring investment in stewardship by rodenticide manufacturers and distributors," he says. "Furthermore, Belgagri and Impex Europa will provide their own insights to help maximise the regime's impetus, effectiveness and, ultimately, its success."

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