Rodent management articles and pest control news

13 March 2019

BPCA and CPA release guidance for identifying and reporting illegal internet sales of pesticides

On the back of the work BPCA and CPA have done with eBay, the Associations have created a set of guidelines to help people report illegal pesticide sales to the relevant authority.

Back in January, BPCA announced that we’d been in collaborating with the Crop Protection Association (CPA) and eBay to help stop illegal sale of pesticides online.

After a successful few months of reporting the illegal activity, BPCA and CPA have created guidelines to help with the smooth and simple reporting of illegal activity.

Dee Ward-Thompson, BPCA Technical Manager, said:

“We’ve had a fantastic response to the new reporting mechanism through BPCA/CPA, however we want to make sure everyone understands how and when to make a report. This guidance document uses the expertise of both Associations to make an easy to follow process for anyone concerned about illegal selling activity anywhere online.

“Both Associations want to make it clear that we take the unauthorised sale of pesticides seriously.  However, we recognise there’s a risk that if people report legitimate sales, it will slow down the process of dealing with the real illegal listings.”

Only certain pesticide products have restrictions on who can buy and sell them.

The document has sections on:

  • Professional use rodenticides
  • Amateur use rodenticides
  • Other pesticide sales
  • Illegal sales of rodenticides and pesticides on eBay.

The document can be downloaded for free here or is available in the Member Document area of the BPCA website.

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