Rodent management articles and pest control news

09 May 2016

Rodenticide stewardship standard label text confirmed by HSE

Three legally binding rodenticide label phrases, which stewardship-authorised products for professional use in and around buildings or outdoors in open areas and waste dumps must carry, have been confirmed by HSE to the UK Rodenticide Stewardship Regime:

  • "To be used only by professional users holding certification demonstrating compliance with UK rodenticide stewardship regime requirements.
  • "Read the label before use. Using this product in a manner that is inconsistent with the label may be an offence. Refer to the CRRU UK Code of Best Practice (or equivalent) for guidance.
  • "When this product is supplied to a user for the control of rodents, it shall only be supplied to a professional user holding certification demonstrating compliance with UK rodenticide stewardship regime requirements."

Variation in pack sizes, company branding and labelling policies among authorisation holders and marketing companies mean a standard format for all labels is not possible, explains CRRU Regulatory Work Group head Sarah Bull. The Campaign for Responsible Rodenticide Use (CRRU) is responsible to HSE for implementation of the stewardship regime.

"With this in mind, efforts are being made to ensure this text is prominent wherever it is placed on the label so that products authorised under stewardship are easy to identify," she says.

"Meanwhile, between now and 1 October, remaining stocks of rodenticides with pre-stewardship labels will sell out and be succeeded by new stocks of stewardship-label products carrying the legally binding text."

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