Technical pest control and management feature articles

18 December 2018

Changes to monitoring and bait box stickers

Stick(er) around, this could take a while

Some rodenticide labels now refer to a requirement for labelling monitoring and bait stations with specific information. This has come directly from the regulators of these products, and there is not too much the manufacturers can do about it - they just need to make sure the users are complying.

The changes aren’t particularly complicated. However, like many pest controllers have pointed out, it’s going to take a while to get stickers on all relevant boxes.

As seems to be the common theme to most of the technical information we give: always read the label of your product! Fully and thoroughly and make sure you are in full compliance.

If a rodenticide says you have to stick one of these new labels on to your bait box, then this is what you must do.

You can discuss this with the suppliers you purchase stickers from.

The information needed on the stickers is shown here...

Changes to monitoring and bait box stickers

Do not move or open
Product trade name or
authorisation number
Active ingredient

A note about contact details

On some labels that are available for purchase, the wording states to contact a poison centre which does raise concern as on the HSE website for information about National Poison Information Centres (NPIS) it clearly states: “NPIS do not receive calls from the general public”. This is another discussion point worth raising when speaking to your suppliers.

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