Technical pest control and management feature articles

06 September 2017

The product standards for portable ladders are changing

The British and European standard that covers all types of portable ladder has had a significant revision that all pest management professionals should be aware of. The changes in BS EN 131 have been implemented to improve the safety of ladders and make purchasing the correct ladder simpler.

If you use a ladder, even occasionally, for pest control work, you need to understand what the changes will mean to you.

EN131-Web-featureGuidance from the Ladder Association

A comprehensive guide explaining the changes to the standard and how BS EN 131 will affect you is available from the Ladder Association.

The guide includes:

  • The must have features of ladders manufactured to the BS EN 131 standard
  • The use of ladders to withdrawn standards
  • Advice for organisations purchasing new ladders

You can request a pdf copy of the guide on the Ladder Association website.

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