02 January 2018

BPCA Release New Code of Best Practice on Snap Back Traps

The new Code of Best Practice for The Use of Break Back Traps/Snap Traps has been released by BPCA.

The use of Snap back traps COBP

BPCA Codes of Best Practice (COBP) are written rules which explain how people working in the pest management industry should behave in a particular situation.

The new Code includes recommendations on how these traps should or should not be used in various settings and situations.

It also expressly forbids the use of open snap back traps outside due to the risk to non-target animals.

BPCA Technical Manager, Dee Ward-Thompson commented on the Code saying:

“BPCA members are always looking at ways that we can drive up standards and improve professionalism in the pest control industry.

“The Servicing Committee thought it was of real importance for all of our members to have a Code of Best practice on the use of snap/break back traps."

She continued:

“These tools that are being used more often now in the effort to reduce the level of chemicals being used and to safeguard the environment.

“We are proud of our codes of best practice which ensure all of our members are operating to the same high standards.”

The new Code of Practice takes effect immediately, meaning that BPCA Servicing member companies need to abide by the Code as part of their membership criteria.

BPCA Servicing Committee Chair, Howard Taffs, said:

“Even something that appears simple can be a problem in the wrong hands; so I am very pleased that we have agreed a Code of Practice that will protect pets, wildlife and people by the safe and professional use of these devices.”

The Code of Best Practice is freely available to everyone through the BPCA website, meaning it’s available in full to non-members and the general public.

If you know of an issue or situation that you feel needs a Code or guidance document producing, please contact us, and the Servicing Committee will then discuss it.

View the Code of Best Practice now

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