19 March 2021

VIDEO: PestExtra: What is the right strategy for ant colony control this spring

Ants are the uninvited summer guest in kitchen cupboards, and one of the more common pests to visit houses in the warmer months.

In this video Helen Ainsworth, BASF, looks at the different species of ant you’re likely to come across as a pest technician and the best strategy for dealing with them.

This presentation premiered at PestExtra 2021: the pest management show online. 

The British Pest Control Association (BPCA) hosts these free events so everyone interested in pest management can learn, share and connect.

This video is intended for those working in the pest management sector.

Information correct at time of filming.

On BPCA Registered? Make sure you record your CPD points!

Independently verified by the CPD Certification Scheme

This video meets the CPD Certification Scheme’s stringent criteria for continuous professional development materials. 

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