04 October 2021

X-Trap EFK excels in controlled testing


PestFix's new LED fly trap, X-Trap 50, passes independent testing with flying colours. 


Reportedly more environmentally friendly than historical fluorescent tube traps, LED traps have begun taking the lead and the X-Trap 50 is one of the new generations of LED fly trap.

The X-Trap 50 saves 90 kwh per year and contains bulbs that last 3 times longer than standard fluorescent tubes with a 25,000 hour lifespan, and save users both time, energy and money.

PestFix prides itself in selling high quality products so to ensure it could guarantee this quality to its customers, PestFix arranged for independent testing of their X-Trap 50 against equivalent LED units.

A PestFix spokesperson said: "The returned results were more than positive. During this test the X-Trap was the only unit to kill 100% of flies in a 24 hour period. With a better efficacy, a simple fit and consumable replacement system, the X-Trap LED Insect light trap takes the lead."

Full test report is available on request from PestFix. Testing completed independently in controlled conditions by Wade Environmental.


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