Technical pest management news

25 March 2020

Pest control critical to sustain public health during Covid-19 crisis


25 March 2020

The British Pest Control Association (BPCA) is calling for urgent action to ensure pest control management can continue to be administered in the Covid-19 pandemic.

According to BPCA, the activity remains as essential as ever for protecting public health. 

Pest control critical to sustain public health during Covid-19 crisis

But in the UK, pest management professionals are not explicitly listed as key workers, despite the fact they have been in the USA, France, Germany, Italy and other countries.

If the UK Government enacts further lockdown measures, pest professionals everywhere may have to stop protecting public health. 

Ian Andrew, chief executive of BPCA, said: “There are many ways pest control underpins safe communities and facilities, which are critical to the way we live.

“That does not stop due to the pandemic.

“For example, from stopping pests destroying seeds, to protecting supermarkets from infestation, no part of the food supply chain goes untouched by professional pest management companies. 

“Pests destroy and contaminate food and disrupt and close down food businesses. 

“It’s our job to keep our food safe and plentiful for British citizens. During this pandemic, it’s as important as ever that we help food manufacturers and distributors minimise waste.

“Our work also protects other essential workers.

“Hospitals, supermarkets, care homes and key public services need support, as well as local and national Government, transport, utilities, communication and financial services.

“Pest infestations put these organisations, their employees and users, at risk and have the potential to close the services completely and it is our job to stop them.

“Furthermore, with much of the nation in effective lockdown in their homes, the impact of a mouse, rat or insect infestation in their property would create a great deal of mental anguish.

“Being trapped inside homes with an acute infestation is unacceptable.

“We need to be able to continue to protect people’s homes and families from pest infestations. 

“BPCA members are highly trained, qualified and audited to the British and European standard in pest management (EN 16636), meaning they are best placed to control and manage public health pests during the Covid-19 pandemic. 

BPCA is asking the Prime Minister and ministers to recognise the essential work pest professionals do to protect our nation during this crisis.

The Association has also written to Local Resilience Forums (LRFs) - multi-agency partnerships made up of representatives from local public services, including the emergency services, local authorities, the NHS, the Environment Agency and others - to explain pest management is essential and offer our support in all pest-related matters.

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