Technical pest management news

20 December 2021

Daera issue amended interim general licences pending consultation

Daera is currently actively considering the Northern Ireland general licences process.

A previous public consultation on this matter was withdrawn on 29 July 2021 due to “a technical error”, but it is anticipated that a more comprehensive consultation will launch in early 2022.

Daera issue amended interim general licences pending consultation Northern Ireland

While this consultation is being finalised, Daera has issued amended, interim licences.

Several bird species have been removed from either all or some of the three general licences.

DAERA said:

“These interim licences are issued without prejudice to what licences may be issued thereafter, following consultation and consideration of all relevant issues by the Department.

“It is intended that the interim licences will provide a degree of certainty for users and other stakeholders while active consideration is on-going”.

General licences in Northern Ireland

General licences permit authorised persons to carry out actions that would otherwise be illegal. 

They cover certain types of activity relating to birds, such as preserving public health or air safety and preventing the spread of disease.

General licences cover situations regarded as relatively commonplace and where there is unlikely to be any great conservation impact.

General licences avoid the need for people to apply for individual licences for these specific circumstances. 

General licences are still subject to strict conditions, and abuse of them or failure to comply with the conditions could constitute an offence.

Get the new licences

General licences are issued annually. You can download the licences below or obtain a hard copy from the NIEA wildlife team.

All general licences are subject to certain conditions of use. If you plan to act under the authority of a general licence, you must:

  • be eligible to do so (see conditions of each licence)
  • comply with the terms of the relevant licence and therefore the law

These licences do not give any right of access or right to take action to otherwise unauthorised persons.

You should read a copy of the relevant licence in addition to the information below before undertaking any action.

Download now


Our technical team are on hand to support any BPCA member who'd like to chat through new licences and what it means for them.

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