Technical pest management news

06 June 2022

Daera reopen Northern Ireland Wild Bird Licence Consultation


Daera/Northern Ireland Environment Agency is currently considering the wild bird general licences for 2022/2023 and beyond.

Bird licence consultation NI BPCA

Similar consultations have already occurred in England, Scotland and Wales following legal challenges from wildlife campaigners.

BPCA encourages all bird management professionals operating in Northern Ireland to present their views as part of the consultation.

Make a submission online

The consultation closes on 21 July 2022.

BPCA will also complete the consultation on behalf of members. However, members are encouraged to make their own submissions too.

Daera said:

“The general licences have been in use for many years, and in response to matters raised by stakeholders, it is recognised that review is appropriate.

“This consultation will give you the opportunity to give your views and any additional evidence you have around the following aspects of the 3 general licences: Species included, alternative methods of control, Their use on protected sites and licence conditions.

“The responses and evidence provided from this consultation will be considered alongside population statistics and conservation status of the listed species and all other relevant issues in order to shape the general licences going forward”.


You can read more about the consultation and make your submission on the Daera website

If you’d like to share your submission with BPCA or make suggestions for our response, contact

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