Technical pest management news

11 February 2017

Freedom of information request reveals thousands of pest control call outs in NHS hospitals

Data by the Press Association shows that pest controllers were called out over 5000 times by hospitals in England. That's an average of 13 visits a day! The areas where pests have been sighted included maternity wards, children's intensive care units and operating theatres.

The total cost of treating pests is unknown as 63 trusts have refused to give out the information, on the grounds that it is "commercially sensitive" data or part of private finance initiative deals. 

Costs have increased when compared with five years ago, based on comparisons of the data from the 62 trusts that did provide figures for both 2011-12 and 2015-16. Expenditure on pest control rose from £646,857 to £815,855 (an increase of over 26%).

Scott-Johnstone-Staff-bubbleScott Johnstone
Communications Officer

11 February 2017  |  PPC86

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