Technical pest management news

20 March 2018

Lantra withdraws approval from 'customised' rodent control on farms training

With effect from 01 March 2018, one of UK Rodenticide Stewardship's formal awarding organisations for training, Lantra, has withdrawn approval from any 'customised' variants of its own Rodent Control on Farms course.

Stewardship co-ordinator the Campaign for Responsible Rodenticide Use confirms that course certificates stating 'customised provision' dated 28 February 2018 or earlier are valid
as proof of competence for purchasing stewardship label rodenticides.

Since that date, CRRU says it cannot be certain that no customised courses have taken place, even though this is unlikely.

To ensure supply chain point of sale controls can cover the change, CRRU states that all retail outlets are being briefed by rodenticide manufacturers and wholesale distributors.

The CRRU UK website has been updated accordingly.

Are you fully trained and certified to use rodenticides safely?

If you purchase, use, intend to use or store rodenticide, BPCA offers a CRRU approved training certificate to purchase or use rodenticides.

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