Technical pest management news

07 November 2017

Outbreak of plague in Madagascar

The World Health organisation (WHO) has delivered millions of doses of antibiotics to fight the outbreak of plague, which has already claimed the lives of 33 people.

The bubonic version of the plague is often spread by rodents and transmitted to humans by being bitten by infected fleas.

The Madagascan health ministry says the plague has infected a further 230 people in just two months.

The BBC reports that there are normally about 400 cases of plague every year in the country, however this year the majority of cases are of pneumonic plague - which is considered the most deadly form of the disease.

Those with pneumonic plague can die in as little as 24 hours.

"Plague is curable if detected in time. Our teams are working to ensure that everyone at risk has access to protection and treatment. The faster we move, the more lives we save," said Dr Charlotte Ndiaye, WHO Representative in Madagascar.

Fleas facts sheet

Scott-Johnstone-Staff-bubbleScott Johnstone
Content and Communications Officer

7 November 2017  |  BPCA Online

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