Technical pest management news

18 December 2018

PPC93 out now

Small wonder

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In this issue

Small wonder super feature

Time to say goodbye

President foreword for December 2019. Read

Small pieces to make the big picture

Chief Exec viewpoint for December 2019. Read


PestEx 2019 seminar and floorplan sneak peek 

The biggest pest control show in the UK is getting even bigger! Read

Formulation focus for gel bait performance

Understanding how different formulations work can help select the most appropriate products. Read

One flew under the cuckoo’s nest

We delve into the travel diaries of John Lloyd. Read

All creatures great and small

David Pinniger shares some of the small but mighty pests you should keep an eye out for. Read

Caught napping

Fly's eye view

Dr Roger Santer talks fly-vision and sleeping sickness control. Read

Pet pests


Cat and dog fleas. Read

Micro pest, macro photography

Frank Prior shares his hobby with PPC readers. Read

Say cheese

Ken Davidson, the consultant designer of PPC magazine, offers some photography advice. Read

Ask the technical team

See what the team's been asked this year. Read

Better than basics: Become a bed bug specialist

Chris Cagienard discusses how best to add bed bug services to your portfolio. Read

Money down the drain

The case for rat blockers. Read

Pest control foot personnel

PPC presents BPCA’s operational code for those technicians who pound the beat with their feet. Read

What do you want from me?

Understanding what the food sector wants from pest management. Read

Let’s talk BPCA Registered

Commonly asked questions about the scheme answered by Ian Andrew, BPCA Chief Exec. Read

What do points make Career as the prize

BPCA Registered in action

Karen Dawes, BPCA Training Development Manager, has created some examples so you can see what it will be like to use the scheme. Read

MEET THE MEMBER: Mr Bumble and his ‘Pollination for the Nation’ road trip 

PPC talks to Jim Webster (aka Mr Bumble) from BeesKnees Pest Control. Read


BPCA's 500th servicing member! Read

BPCA Regional Forums

2019 forum schedule and sponsors announced. Read


We're always interested in what our members and the pest management community want to see in the magazine. If you have an idea for an article or a news story you'd like to share with BPCA - contact Scott on or call 01332 225 115

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