Latest UK pest control and management news for professionals

27 January 2017

International Conference on Urban Pests (ICUP) programme announced

BPCA will be one of the sponsors of the highly popular non-profit conference, designed to share information and ideas on the impact, biology and control of pests in the urban environment.

ICUP 2017 Preliminary programme-(1)

The ICUP 2017 Organising Committee has been working hard behind the scenes to put together the programme for the forthcoming event to be held in Birmingham, UK between 9-12 July 2017. Held only every three years, and at locations around the world, this time it’s the turn of the UK to host the event.

In total, there will be six presentations in the plenary session on day one, followed over the next two days by 60 concurrent sessions delegates can pick from, plus 38 poster papers. The programme covers a great spread of speakers from all over the world – USA, UK plus many countries from continental Europe, Brazil, Colombia, Japan, Malaysia, Taiwan, Philippines, Russia, Iran, Pakistan and Australia. This truly is an international conference on urban pests. It is also exciting to see the continued emergence of a newer generation of researchers alongside the well established global experts.

Chaired by Dr Matthew Davies, the Organising Committee has reviewed an extremely large number of abstracts submitted by potential authors and the detailed programme is now available on the conference website.

Scott-Johnstone-Staff-bubbleScott Johnstone
Communications Officer

27 January 2017  |  PPC86


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