Your association | PPC91 May 2018
BPCA’s new consumer-facing blog has launched. PestAware provides domestic and commercial pest advice, encouraging potential clients to use the Find a Pest Controller tool getting BPCA members even more referrals.
PestAware – the pest control blog is our commitment to providing the general public, the commercial sector, the media and associated sectors - with free, quality pest management advice.
The blog is accessible through the BPCA website in the pest advice section.
How to get involved
Anyone passionate about telling the world about the important role of public health pest control can submit an article for PestAware.
We’re particularly looking for people from BPCA member companies to take up the challenge and write something that will help the consumer make an informed decision when choosing their pest control supplier.
What you’ll get:
- A link back to your website
- Claim CPD points for your time
- Show off your articles to your clients
- The warm fuzzy feeling you get when you champion the professionalism of
- your industry.
Can I use PestAware articles on my website?
While we encourage everyone to share the articles from PestAware, we ask that you do not copy and paste articles to your own website.
You may republish PestAware press releases on your own website, but these must link back to the original article.
How can I spread the #PestAware message?
Whether you’re from a BPCA member company or not, you can help us with our pest awareness campaign.
- Share our articles on social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn)
- Share the articles with your clients
- Link to relevant articles from your website
- Write something for PestAware
- Educate people about the important role pest control has in our society.
Retiring alexo
BPCA blazed a trail with client-facing magazine, alexo, which had similar aims to PestAware. We don’t have any plans to create any new issues of alexo, however the full catalogue of alexo magazines is still available through our website.
Many of the best articles from alexo will make their way on to the PestAware blog, making them available to even more end-users.
Goodbye alexo – you served us well.
Do let us know if you have any questions or feedback about PestAware, and especially if you have an idea for a client-facing article. Could you write a blog about any of these?
- Spotting a wasp nest in your home or garden
- Keeping rodents out of your shed
- Why pigeons are considered a public health pest
- The difference between a pest technician and a field biologist
- Who pays the bill – the landlord or the tenant?
- DIY pest control myths.
Scott Johnstone
Content and Communications Officer
1 May 2018 | PPC91