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The biggest pest control show in the UK is getting even bigger! It’s about time we gave you a sneak peek at the packed seminar schedule for PestEx 2019...

The biggest pest control show in the UK is getting even bigger! It’s about time we gave you a sneak peek at the packed seminar schedule for PestEx 2019...
Technical theatre Sponsored by BASF
Business theatre
Can we stem the tide? Invasive non-native species Niall Moore, Non-Native Species Secretariat |
Our terms and conditions apply...maybe? David Quinton, Which? |
Acquisition, incubation and transfer of bacteria by household insects Matthew Davies, Killgerm Federica Boiocchi, Aston University, Birmingham |
Rodent risks: Closure and prosecution stories Dr Belinda Stuart-Moonlight, Chartered Environmental Health Practitioner and expert witness |
A world without pesticides Alex Wade, Pelgar |
How to hack smart homes and business Tony Gee, Pen Test Partners |
Rodent control for 2020 and beyond Sharon Hughes, BASF |
Use the law to sell your services Paul Westgate, Westgate Pest Control |
Cockroach foraging behaviour and biology Steve Broadbent, Ensytex |
Site-specific pest risk assessments John Lloyd, Technical Consultant and Company Entomologist |
Protecting Jersey from Asian hornets Absolute Pest Control Jersey Beekeepers’ Association |
When it goes wrong Martin Ball, Health and Safety Executive |
Building great pest management programmes Richard Moseley, Bayer |
Don’t get caught in the GDPR trap! Louise Coldwell, Killgerm |
Winning big: SLAs and tendering Kevin Higgins, BPCA Dee-Ward Thompson, BPCA |
Should I give up, or just keep on chasing payments? Peter Wallwork, The Credit Services Association |
10 years of rat and mouse control procedures Paul Charlson, National Pest Advisory Panel (NPAP), CIEH |
4½ star pest management: Online marketing Ben Massey, BPCA |
More talks to be added. Running order announced Jan 2019. Seminars subject to change. Up-to-date info at
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PestEx floorplan 2019
Stand space is sold out! Honestly, it’ll take you two full days just to have a conversation with everyone.

Floorplan subject to change. Up-to-date info at
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