Pest control sector news and updates

18 November 2022

New treatment report templates for BPCA members


A brand new report template for rodent treatments, available for BPCA members and their employees to use, has been uploaded to the Member Documents Area (login required).

An updated version of a general treatment report template is also available.


Available to BPCA members only, the new template is fully customisable and gives pest technicians guidance on the best information to include in a rodent treatment report. 

Put together by BPCA's technical team, the template is designed to help pest controllers feel confident that they have provided all the necessary information to the customer upon completing a treatment, including steps taken to assess risks and what pesticides (if any) were used.

Natalie Bungay, BPCA Technical and Compliance Manager, said: 

"One of the benefits of BPCA membership is that if you need something that would make your job easier, we can put our technical heads together and come up with solutions or tools to help you. 

"That's why we've created this new template and it's why we're always happy to take suggestions from members on all kinds of new documents, codes of best practice and more. 

"It's important to note that this template is not something that is mandatory for members to use; it is up to you which format or template is suitable for you. This is simply for reference and use if needed.

"Hopefully, using this template, members can be sure that they have fulfilled their obligation to their customer and provided an honest, transparent service."

Visit the Member Documents Area (login required) to access the 'Pest Management Treatment Report template - rodents' and the updated 'Pest Management Treatment Report template'. 


If you'd like access to documents and codes created exclusively for BPCA members, why not join the Association?

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