Pest control sector news and updates

14 December 2021

Pestforce celebrates success at 2021 conference in Warwickshire


On 25 November 2021 BPCA member Pestforce held its annual conference at Coombe Abbey in Warwickshire. The objective of the conference was to celebrate success, meet colleagues, talk about the future and learn new stuff.

Here Pestforce Group Technical Director, Phil Shaw, tells us how the conference went.


The event has grown over the years and kicks off the night before with a casual pre-conference evening meal.

At this year’s conference we welcomed the Class of 2021 to the Pestforce community.

In total we welcomed 13 new recruits to the team. 

We also took the opportunity to recognise 10 franchisees that have been part of the community for more than 10 years.

The success of the network is growing year on year with new sales records being set by some of the new recruits.


Running a business is not easy and can be relentless, however, the conference serves as a chance to reflect on what has been achieved, how we can get better and how we can continue to succeed.

Presentations on the day included:

  • Group MD Sean Taylor reflecting on the year gone and year ahead
  • Tom and Damien (Pestforce) on the Digital Marketing challenge
  • Adrian Webster (Pestforce) on inspiring great customer care
  • Davy Brown ( on Rats in Drains
  • Natalie Bungay (BPCA) on helping bees
  • Dr Matt Davies (Killgerm) on insects.

Pestforce MD Sean Taylor reflected on the day, saying:

"From the feedback we get we know how the network value their time at the conference.

"It is fantastic how it has grown every year, with more and more of the network coming the night before for some relaxed socialising over dinner. Many are now bringing their partners along as well.  

"It takes a lot to plan and organise so my thanks to all attendees, our suppliers & BPCA who attend and support the event. Plus, I cannot forget to thank all the staff in the office who do the hard work.

"Next year already looks like being a bigger event, with two new franchisees signed up for January training with lots of interest from others assessing the option to join the franchise network."


If you've had a success this year, why not let us know?

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