Pest control sector news and updates

05 November 2024

PestWorld 2024 hits a new high in Denver


Records were broken when the professional pest management industry from around the globe gathered at PestWorld 2024, held at the Gaylord Rockies Resort & Convention Centre, Denver, Colorado, USA between 22-25 October.


Image: Dominique Stumpf, CEO of NPMA, greeted everyone at the opening ceremony.

For the first time ever, over 4,000 delegates attended PestWorld 2024.

Of these, more than 500 were international delegates from 53 different countries.

The exhibition also reached a new high with nearly 280 exhibitors.

Reaching such elevated records was quite appropriate as PestWorld 2024 was held in Denver, Colorado, known as the ‘Mile High City’, as its official elevation is exactly one mile above sea level.

Organised by the National Pest Management Association (NPMA), CEO Dominique Stumpf greeted everyone at the opening ceremony.

She explained how excited she was, saying:

This is so much more than just an annual convention. It’s a homecoming for our industry leaders, innovators and trailblazers. It’s a time to reunite, recharge and chart the future of the pest management industry together.

With the event being held in Denver, quite appropriately the opening ceremony, sponsored by Envu, closed with a performance by Chris Collins and his Denver tribute band, who performed some of John Denver’s most famous hits.

During the following three days there was plenty of opportunity for delegates to learn and share experiences. There were nearly 70 educational sessions delegates could attend.

Subjects ranged from technical issues such as designing new rat proof cities, the science behind termite control, best practices for fumigation, to mastering wildlife control.

In addition, there were sessions addressing management topics, new office technology and keeping people safe.


Image: A packed opening ceremony. Over 4,000 people visited PestWorld in Colorado. 

The exhibition is always at the heart of PestWorld events and visitors had the opportunity to visit stands not only from US exhibitors but also those from Europe, South America and Asia.

Taking advantage of such an international audience, Envu took the opportunity to release news of its latest acquisition, the mosquito technology company In2Care headquartered in the Netherlands.

Once again attendance was good at the Global Pest Management Coalition with representatives from such diverse countries as Canada, India, Pakistan, Morocco, the Dominican Republic and the Maldives present.

During the meeting, the presidency of the Coalition passed from Alberto Ponjoan from Spain to Manuela Cordeiro from Portugal who represents the Confederation of the European Pest Management Associations (CEPA).


Image: Delegates enjoy networking in the sunshine at the PestFest party.

At PestWorld events there is always time to network and make new contacts, especially at the social events.

The international reception sponsored by Orkin always proves popular and on the final night the PestFest party, sponsored by MGK, drew these four hectic days to a close.

Both of these events were held outside taking advantage of the magnificent sunny weather which ran throughout PestWorld.

So, make a note. Next year’s PestWorld is to be held in Orlando, Florida from October 21-24, 2025. Don't miss it!


If you can't make it to PestWorld, why not try something a little closer to home? 

PPC Live is taking place in Harrogate in 2024, join us!


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