Pest control sector news and updates

02 November 2020

England to enter second lockdown - what does that mean for pest professionals?

On Sunday 1 November it was announced that England will go into a second "circuit breaker" style lockdown from 00:01 GMT on Thursday 5 November, which is intended to last until Wednesday 2 December. 


Pubs, restaurants, leisure venues and non-essential shops will shut, and gatherings indoors and outdoors with people not in your household will also be banned. 

You will only be allowed to leave your home for education, exercise, medical reasons, shopping for food and other essentials, or to care for others. 

Support bubbles for people who live alone and households made up of single parents and children can continue.

You are also allowed to go to work, if it can't be done from home. However, those who are clinically vulnerable (ie shielding) are advised not to go to work.

What does this mean for pest professionals? 

Can I still go to work? 

Yes, you can still go to work if you can’t carry out your job from home - this covers most pest management roles, which cannot be done remotely.

It's worth noting that pest management is also confirmed as an essential sector, so this work needs to continue regardless. 

While at work, it's a good idea to carry any employee ID you have and, if you're on our CPD scheme, your BPCA Registered card.

BPCA members also have access to signs for your vans, explaining that you are carrying our essential pest management work to help with unimpeded travel. These can be found in the Member Area of the BPCA website (login required).

But should I go to work?

This is a business decision that only you and your client can make on a case-by-case basis. BPCA cannot make this decision for you.

We have developed guidance, to help you decide if you should go on a job, and the steps you can take to keep yourself and your customer safe while you work. 

See the BPCA guidance Becoming Covid-19 Secure

You should also let any office/administration staff work from home, as per Government guidance. 

Further guidance

For a full set of Covid-19 guidance, check our our dedicated web page.

Topics include: 

  • Becoming Covid-19 secure
  • Risk assessments
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  • Guidance on test and trace procedures for pest management companies
  • Mental Health Support
  • Resources and links

If you're a BPCA member in England or you often carry out work across the border into England, and you have questions about the new lockdown rules, please get in touch and we'll find the answers for you. 

01332 294 288

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