Pest control sector news and updates

24 April 2020

Covid-19 testing for key workers

On 23 April the UK government announced that key workers who are showing symptoms of Covid-19 will be eligible to apply for a test.

covid 19 testing for key workers

The test will enable essential workers to find out whether they have the virus, meaning they can return to work if they test negative.

Who can apply?

The Gov UK website states that you can only apply for a test if you: 

  • are an essential worker with symptoms
  • live with an essential worker and have symptoms.

Any essential worker is advised to apply for a test within 3 days of first experiencing symptoms, as this is when the tests are most effective.

These tests will provide much needed confirmation for those who believe they are experiencing symptoms.

We had confirmation from Defra recently that pest professionals come under "Food and other necessary goods" on the key worker list. 

On this basis, you should apply for a test if you are a pest management professional and are showing symptoms of Covid-19. However, BPCA cannot guarantee that you will be tested - that decision will be made by the Department for Health and Social Care

To apply for a test, go to the Gov UK website below:

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