Pest control sector news and updates

04 May 2020

GET INVOLVED: Proud to protect video for World Pest Day - win pest control goodies

For World Pest Day this year (6 June), BPCA want to produce a video about the brilliant work members do to protect public health and safety.

Proud to Protect video for World Pest Day 2020 get involved now

And we need members help! 

We’d like you to record a 20-second video of yourself or someone in your team.

In it, we’d like you to explain how you’re protecting people by giving an example of one of your jobs.

For example, you might say:

“Hi, I’m Bob from PestAway, and today we’re helping a school with a mice infestation. The school is still open for key workers' children, so it’s important we stop the infestation, so nobody gets ill. Later on, we’re also going to be doing some pest awareness training with the staff.”

We’ll then edit our favourite videos together and release it on World Pest Day to help show how BPCA members are protecting UK citizens.

All members are invited to submit a video, however we’ll only be able to use about 12 in our final cut. 

Members who submit a video which is then chosen will get a call out in the final cut and a link to their website on the YouTube video and BPCA news release. 

We’re hoping the video gets shared far and wide, so it could be an excellent opportunity to promote your company.  

Submit and win pest control hamper 

Any video that is selected for the final cut will win a selection of pest control goodies kindly provided by BPCA member Pelsis

Proud to protect video - submit a video and win BPCA Pelsis

This will include:

  • 2 x Insect-O-Cutor Prsim
  • 6 x Rat box
  • 1 x Mouse box
  • 2 x Edialux Wasp Trap
  • 2 x Green Protect Pot Plant Trap
  • 2 x Green Protect Fruit Fly Trap
  • 2 x Green Protect Wasp Trap
  • 2 x Green Protect Moth Trap
  • 2 x Green Protect Fly Tower Trap
  • 1 x Personalised Pelsis Fleece with your name or company logo printed on it.

Up to 15 participants will win a hamper worth £200. 

What should be in the video?

You don’t need to be Spielberg to send us a great video. Keep it simple and short. 

Ask someone to record a video of your star on a mobile phone. Record the video in landscape mode in the highest quality your phone can record in.

Your star could be a pest technician, support staff or yourself. 

The video should contain:

  • An introduction - “Hi, I’m Bob from PestAway”
  • A description of a job you’re doing today - “We’re helping a school with a mice infestation”
  • A description of how the job protects people - “The school is still open for key workers’ children, so it’s important we stop the infestation, so nobody gets ill”
  • OPTIONAL A description of how you’re sharing pest awareness - “Later on, we’re also going to be doing some pest awareness training with the staff”.

Remember: stay on task and keep it short. About 20 seconds is all we need. 

When you’ve finished, send your file to us via MailBigFile (free) to

If you wish, you can send us a couple of versions of the video, and we’ll choose the best for you.

Deadline: Please send you video before 26 May 2020. 

If you need support with your video or are struggling to send us something, please contact us

01332 225 115

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