Pest control sector news and updates

04 March 2020

Membership criteria change for Consultant and M&D membership

Effective immediately, BPCA is removing the requirement for Consultant and Manufacturing & Distribution members to have been trading for 12 months before they can apply for membership.

The BPCA Executive Board voted to change the membership criteria to bring the requirements for membership in line with Servicing membership.

The change will mean new companies that satisfy all other criteria will be able to join BPCA membership without 12 months of trading history.

Kevin Higgins, BPCA Membership Manager, said:

“BPCA can be there for you from day one of your business. This change means that we’ll be able to help new companies right from the get-go.

“They’ll still have to meet the rest of our stringent criteria; however we don’t want any unnecessary barriers in the way for great companies wanting to join the Association”.


Whether you’re an expert pest management consultant or a manufacturer or distributor of pest management products, there is a place for you in BPCA’s membership. Ask us about membership today.

01332 225 112

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