Pest control sector news and updates

09 April 2020

Metex Nordisk Rat Blocker Achieves WRc Approval

BPCA Manufacturing and Distributor members, Metex, were given approval by the Water Research Centre (WRc) for their drain proofing product, the Nordisk Rat Blocker.

nordisk rat blocker metex icon

The Water Industry within the UK recognise the WRc as a benchmark for demonstrating quality and performance through extensive scientific testing.

Jonathan Badger, Technical Manager at WRc, said:

"The Nordisk TX11 Rat Blocker has gone through extensive robust scientific testing to demonstrate it can do what is claimed.

"Installers of this blocker can be confident that they have chosen a well-engineered fitting that has been approved by an industry recognised test house and buyers can have confidence that they have chosen a quality product."

This Rat Blocker is also VA approved and with a global figure of over 100,000 units installed.


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