Pest control sector news and updates

29 January 2020

New licences for Lesser black-backed and Herring gull released tomorrow – England

Natural England (NE) has confirmed that new bird licences for the control of the Lesser black-backed gull and Herring gulls will be released tomorrow (30 January 2020).

This is a breaking story, and BPCA will publish more details as they come in.

new licences released tomorrow gulls

These gulls were removed from all general licences for bird control in England because of growing conservation concerns.

Research shows a 79% decrease in Lesser black-backed gull and a 77% decrease in Herring gulls since 1986, says NE.

New licences therefore have focused on conservation concerns. 

NE has indicated that the new licences will have a difference of approach between urban and rural locations.


Further information will be available on the BPCA website tomorrow when NE release their licences and guidance.

You can also see the Natural England website for the most up-to-date information.


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