Pest control sector news and updates

08 November 2017

Selling Rodenticides? You need to register!

Suppliers of professional use rodenticides to pest controllers, farmers and gamekeepers are required to register with BASIS Registration Ltd by the end of December for the new UK Rodenticide Stewardship Regime Point-of-Sale audit process.

This requires rodenticide authorisation holders to ensure UK sellers of their professional use products pass the BASIS point of sale audit and maintain this standard for the future.

Annual audits will be carried out by independent assessors for BASIS.

These begin in February and apply to all trade and retail premises, and internet sellers, whether selling one pack or one thousand.

For sellers already enrolled in the BASIS Stores Inspection scheme, the 2018 cost is £30 per outlet.

For rodenticide sellers new to the scheme, the cost per outlet is £176.

Failure to comply will result in the seller no longer being allowed to sell professional use rodenticides with effect from the end of 2018.

Authorisation holders are ultimately accountable for ensuring that all resellers of professional use rodenticides comply with audit requirements.

Failure to do so may result in being reported to Trading Standards and HSE and may result in restrictions to the authorisations concerned.

The audit process will provide independent verification that the entire supply chain is correctly implementing stewardship point of sale controls. This will make a significant contribution to enabling continued access by competent users to professional use rodenticides for the future.

Rupert Broome, BPCA's Manufacturing and Distributor Chair, Leader of CRRU's point-of-sale workgroup and MD of Killgerm

Sign-up with BASIS

01335 301207

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