Pest control sector news and updates

22 March 2013

HSE release summary of responses for Risk Mitigation Measures

The HSE consulted industry on our views regarding their proposals for SGARs. The summary of responses is now available here. BPCA will be attending a meeting in April to take this further with HSE. The summary of responses to the stakeholder engagement on risk mitigation measures carried out last year. 50 responses were received. Regarding restrictions on outdoor use, 21 responders agreed with the restriction of in and around buildings for both professional and non-professional users while 11 felt that non-professionals should be restricted to indoor use only. The definition of ‘around buildings' was rejected by a ratio of 2:1.

Bait placement restriction by preventing access to children, birds, and non-target animals split the audience, with 21 responders agreed with both phrases but 22 agreed with the first phrase only.

Regarding Baiting duration, 18 people agreed with the proposed wording but 21 agreed but with additional restrictions.

The final question related to the frequency of visits. 32 responders agreed with the proposed wording while 9 agreed with the principle but expressed concern about the cost and practicality of daily visits.

So what does this mean?
There will be a stakeholder meeting attended by BPCA in April, at which we will be seeking answers to the next stage. In the meantime, Paul Butt from Natural England will be speaking at PestEx on this issue and will be able to give an insight into where things are heading. BPCA will, of course, continue to fight to keep SGARs in the toolkits of professional pest controllers.

Download a copy of the full summary

The BPCA has been assured by the HSE that this consultation is far from over, and all stakeholders will have further opportunities to comment before any positions are finalised.

Should you have any querries regarding the the BPCA response, or would like to make any comments prior to the meeting on the 23 April, please contact BPCA Technical Manager Richard Moseley on

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