Pest control sector news and updates

18 January 2024

LNPS helps out hospice in Essex and families in East Greenwich


BPCA member company London Network for Pest Solutions finished off 2023 with a flurry of charitable giving.


Firstly, LNPS answered a cry for help from a local community group that runs a Saturday club for children and families based in East Greenwich.

The company has agreed to boost the fundraising campaign for The Bridge Community Centre with sponsorship of £1,000.

The Bridge provides a safe, nurturing and fun environment during term time where children with special needs can attend without pre-booking, be themselves, and feel empowered through inclusive and specialist sports and dance activities.

It is one of the few places where families can gather regularly, share experiences and form strong connections with others in similar situations.

LNPS’s financial support will help towards the ongoing running costs of this much-needed haven for families and children with special needs and disabilities in East Greenwich, while expanding the services to offer more opportunities for growth, learning and social interaction for children and their siblings.

The group was established two and a half years ago.

Becca Coulby, who helps to run The Bridge, explains:

"We really appreciate the support LNPS is giving us, it will make a huge difference. To date, we have over 100 families registered with us whose children participate in various activities, games, and sensory-based imaginative themes tailored to their unique needs.

"Through these engagements, we strive to enhance their cognitive, emotional, and physical abilities, enabling them to embrace life’s challenges with confidence. Sport and physical activity bring people together and no one should be excluded from taking part."

LNPS also spread some early Christmas cheer, by sponsoring the Christmas meal welcome drinks for the amazing staff working at a hospice in Essex.

LNPS Business Development Manager Mike Bailes’ wife Paula Reynolds works as a nurse at St Helena Hospice, Colchester. When he heard the hospice was looking for sponsors he approached Managing Director Paul Cooper, who generously agreed to pay for the welcome drinks.

We really appreciate the support LNPS is giving us, it will make a huge difference.

Becca Coulby, The Bridge Community Centre

Mike said: “We were delighted to be able to raise a glass for the team and say a massive ‘Thank You’ and let all in the amazing team there at St Helena know how much they are appreciated and acknowledge what a great service and support you all offer.

"We hope everyone has a fantastic evening, plus a well-earned and deserved happy Christmas.”

A spokesperson from St Helena added: “Within St Helena we have a Staff Voice group, made up of representatives from clinical and non-clinical departments, who regularly meet to discuss a wide range of topics.

“Our celebration was Thursday 23 November and was a resounding success, smiling, eating, drinking and lots of dancing! A truly wonderful opportunity for members of different departments to mix, relax and enjoy each other’s company.

"Receiving the call from Mike from London Network for Pest Solutions with his extremely kind offer to get the first round, was the icing on the cake."

St Helena Hospice provides specialist palliative and end of life care to local people facing incurable illness in north east Essex, supporting them, their families, friends and carers.

LNPS is an award-winning pest control company covering London, Essex, Kent and the South-east. 


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