Pest control sector news and updates

24 October 2023

Aloha! from PestWorld in Hawaii 


The global professional pest management industry gathered at the Hawaiian Convention Centre, in the fabulous location of Honolulu, for PestWorld 2023. 


Running for four days from 17-20 October, PestWorld is organised by the National Pest Management Association (NPMA) in the US. 

CEO Dominique Stumpf greeted guests at the opening ceremony and explained this was a special year for NPMA, as the convention celebrates its 90th anniversary.

She thanked everyone for taking the time to come together as an industry saying: “We are stronger and more powerful when we share ideas and support one another.” 

The opening ceremony closed with a unique Hawaiian flourish, with a performance from traditional fire knife dancers.

During the following three days there was plenty of opportunity for delegates to learn and share experiences. There was a choice of over 51 educational sessions delegates could attend, with subjects ranging from technical issues such as new strategies for bed bug baiting to termite technology as well as more commercial topics like the growing use of AI and ChatGPT.

The exhibition is always at the heart of PestWorld events and this year it lived up to its reputation, with nearly 200 exhibitors attending, not only from the US but also from Europe and Asia. Here delegates could catch-up on all the new developments and products.

With such a large number of international delegates present, there was excellent attendance at the meeting of the Global Pest Management Coalition.

The work of the four working groups covering sustainability, partnership activities with WHO, along with the mosquito response plan were reviewed. The public health and food safety group announced their upcoming Global Summit to be held in Florida, US in June 2024 to coincide with World Pest Day.

PestWorld attracted over 3,000 delegates, 600 of which were exhibitors. This included nearly 400 international delegates from 50 different countries from across the globe including, for the first time, several representatives from Mongolia.

PestWorld events are not all work and no play, as there is time for networking and the forming of long-term contacts, especially at the receptions. The international reception sponsored by Orkin always proves popular.

On the final night after the four hectic days, PestWorld in Hawaii drew to a close with a celebratory party overlooking the beach.

And the next event has already been announced, so make a note: next year’s PestWorld is to be held in Denver, Colorado from 22-27 October 2024.

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