Pest control sector news and updates

15 August 2023

PestWorld early bird registration ends soon


If you're an international delegate planning to attend PestWorld 2023 and haven't registered yet, don’t delay. The special discounted early bird registration rate ends on 6 September, 2023.

Honolulu pestworld

What: PestWorld 2023 conference and exhibition

Where: Honolulu, Hawaii

When: 17-20 October

Special PestWorld room rates at the event hotels also end on 20 September 2023.

Organised by the National Pest Management Association (NPMA), the full programme, details of exhibitors and all the registration information is available on the PestWorld 2023 website.

Packed programme and exhibition

It is certainly going to be a very busy four days as PestWorld 2023 brings individuals from every facet of the pest management industry from around the globe.

There are plenty of opportunities to share knowledge, hear different perspectives on business trends and find out about the latest technical research.

The exhibition is the highlight of the event with nearly 200 exhibitors spread over the exhibition hall. Exhibitors come from across the globe and will have on display their latest products, services and technologies for delegates to examine, discuss or just browse.

The event begins on Tuesday 17 October with a traditional Hawaiian welcome and blessing from the welcome host, Blaine Kia. He shares the story of the island of O’ahu with the session closing with a traditional and dramatic fire-knife dance.

This is followed by the official opening of the exhibition.

The following two days, Wednesday and Thursday, are opened by a thought-provoking keynote speaker followed by the numerous educational sessions where delegates can choose which topic to attend.

The exhibition and educational sessions continue on Friday, before the event closes with a Hawaiian style closing party, 

For international delegates, Orkin is once again sponsoring the international reception on Wednesday night. This is a great place to catch up, or forge new links, with all those from overseas. 

And on Thursday afternoon there is to be a meeting of the Global Pest Management Coalition (GPMC). Details of this will be available on the PestWorld 2023 website

Specific details for international visitors can also be found on the PestWorld 2023 website, along with information should a visa be required.

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