Pest control sector news and updates

01 April 2020

BPCA hit the airwaves on LBC radio show

Yesterday (31 March) our campaign to make councils reconsider reducing bin collections featured on LBC radio

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LBC, which stands for 'Leading Britain's Conversation', has more than 2 and a half million listeners each week. 

During his 6-7pm slot, presenter Nigel Farage mentioned BPCA no less than three times. 

You can read the transcript below, which is in three parts: 

Mention 1

"But if food waste is lining up, if bins are lining up, we're going to have a massive problem indeed.

The British Pest Control Association said today that unless we collect rubbish regularly, we risk a plague of rats. You know, I remember, I'm old enough to remember 1979 and the rubbish piling up because of the strikes and Leicester Square, where LBC studio is, with a famous picture of it in 1979, with sacks of rubbish lined up, rodents, disease, pestilence, this is a real issue.

"I'm keen to find out over the course of the next hour from you, what are you hearing from your local council? How are you going to deal with your problems of disposing rubbish? It may sound like a mundane issue, but it's not."

Mention 2

"You know, I'm going to quote once again, the British Pest Control Association say unless we collect rubbish regularly, there will be a plague of rats, which is about the last thing I think any of us want to see."

Mention 3

"At the moment, Maidstone Borough Council are doing their job, I've had no problems, but I read in the Daily Mail, there's a growing food waste mounting threatening an explosion in the rat population.

"Yeah, as I say, I've quoted it twice already, and I'll do it again, the British Pest Control Association say, unless we collect rubbish regularly, we risk a plague of rats."


Have you got an idea for how BPCA can help the industry gain recognition? Let us know.

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