CEPA, the European Pest Management Solutions Professional Association, has launched several initiatives this week, to keep pushing for more recognition for the pest management industry's valuable work during the Covid-19 crisis.

Pest management is essential during COVID-19 lockdown
Much like BPCA is doing here in the UK, CEPA has been working on behalf of the European Pest Management sector to receive clarification on the status of pest controllers as essential workers.
National governments across the EU have taken measures of varying severity until now. In an effort to ‘flatten the curve’, European countries are seeing more harsh measures put in place controlling citizen’s movements.
Confinement policies are in effect in Austria, Belgium, Spain, France, Greece, Italy and parts of Germany. On the borders, Poland, Hungary, Denmark, Lithuania, Romania, Finland, Slovakia, Estonia, Belgium have all announced full border closures while Germany, Austria, and Spain have implemented partial border closure.
The way in which these emergency laws are being formulated differ from country to country affecting the pest control industry differently in each and every case.
This is why CEPA is pushing for recognition of the essential nature of pest managers by all European governments.
CEPA addresses this in its open letter concerning recognition of the industry as essential during the COVID-19 crisis.
Their strategy includes the following steps:
1. Pushing for pest management to be recognised as an essential profession
CEPA published a call to the European authorities to explicitly state that pest managers will be allowed to continue their essential work throughout further lockdowns.
The consequences of restrictions in our industry’s activity could have a dangerous impact on other essential services, due to an increased risk of a resurgence of pests.
BPCA, NPTA and BPCA member Pelgar all stated as such in various comms throughout the last week.
Some European countries such as Italy and Northern Ireland have already made assurances that pest management will be allowed to maintain its services, and CEPA are fighting for the rest of Europe to follow suit.
You can view and download the letter here, which could also be adapted and sent to your national authorities.
There's also a BPCA template letter which we've made available on our website. See Pest professionals are key workers - here's why.
Getting pest management recognised is crucial at this tricky time.
2. Contacting the European authorities to offer our expertise in avoiding further health risks
CEPA contacted the European Commission, Council and Parliament and Committee of the Regions to let them know that our industry is ready to offer its services.
As you know, the proper functioning of the pest management industry is key to avoiding pest-related issues that pose a threat to other industries, such as food supply and the medical industry.
In the past CEPA members have been key partners for national authorities during epidemics such as Swine Flu, SARS and Avian Flu and have declared that they are prepared to help again if their services can be of use.
3. Find out which countries are protecting pest management on a new tracker.
The Secretariat has published a tracker, highlighting which countries have officially declared that pest managers will be allowed to continue their work throughout the COVID-19 lockdown.
You can now keep track of any updates in real-time, and find out where your country stands compared to the rest of Europe. Check it out here on the CEPA website.
More CEPA initiatives to consolidate and share strategic/key information on pest control during Covid-19 will be available to read about on the CEPA website and Twitter.
EU-turn on disinfectants chemical legislation
Europe has taken an E-U turn on chemical legislation to stimulate the production of disinfectants in the face of shortages caused by the COVID-19 crisis.
The European Chemicals Agency announced loosening restrictions, adapting to exceptional circumstances and high demand at this critical time.
“To alleviate the difficulties companies and Member State authorities may be facing during the global coronavirus pandemic, ECHA is supporting EU/EEA countries and companies to ensure that disinfectants can quickly enter the market” announced the agency on Tuesday.
The EU’s Biocidal Products Regulation regulates this area heavily and demands that disinfectants are authorised before being put on the market.
ECHA is now shortening this lengthy procedure, allowing time-limited exemptions to their previous rules for companies that want to help produce hygiene products. Germany, Austria, Denmark and a number of other countries have already announced some measures to make it easier for companies to start producing medical disinfectants for the same reason.
What CEPA members are doing for the industry in Europe
This week CEPA members have been hard at work with initiatives that support the pest control profession in innovative ways.
At BPCA we hosted what CEPA has described as "an unmissable webinar" to help pest management businesses understand how the Covid-19 pandemic will affect their work and that of CEPA members.
In the video, we offer suggestions for mitigating risks involved in doing pest control work while the coronavirus threat is present.
Watch the webinar here.
Meanwhile, Spanish association ANECPLA has created a Council of Experts to advise on the fight against coronavirus.
The Council is made up of experts from the environmental health sector and will offer advice and good practices to disinfect all types of public spaces. This initiative is the latest addition of ANECPLA's protocol for fighting coronavirus that has been launched in recent weeks.
The council's aim is to offer support and advice to public authorities, as well as social actors who need it (from organisations to private institutions).
This Council will provide answers and solutions to questions and queries related to the disinfection of surfaces as one of the essential actions to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 among citizens.
Find out more here.
Let CEPA know what you're doing so they can keep other members informed.