Pest control sector news and updates

01 June 2020

Changes at CEPA detailed in 2019 annual report

The CEPA 2019 Annual Report has been published, providing an overview of CEPA's progress last year.

In a busy year for the organisation, CEPA has released its Memorandum of Understanding and changed from being a confederation to an association.

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In his preface to the annual report, CEPA President Henry Mott says:

In 2019 CEPA revisited its statutes and decided to move towards becoming an association and no longer a confederation. Although initially, this may seem a small step, it was a step forward in CEPA becoming a far more democratic organisation with a one member one vote structure.

Henry Mott, CEPA President

Ian Andrew, BPCA Chief Exec, said:

"BPCA plays an active role in CEPA, striving to raise standards of professionalism across Europe with the support of the other national and regional associations from 23 countries in Europe.

"CEPA also ensures our sector’s voice is heard at the European level in Brussels.

"There is much to be done in getting the definition of a pest management professional embedded across Europe.

"CEPAs work on getting its Memorandum of Understanding signed is gathering pace and there is much BPCA can do to support this.

"On reflection, CEPA has had a successful year in many ways and BPCA has played an ongoing role in this success".

You can read the CEPA annual report 2019 in full here.

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