Pest control sector news and updates

11 April 2022

Details announced for PestWorld 2022 in USA


This year, the National Pest Management Association (NPMA) is extending a particularly warm invitation to all international delegates to attend PestWorld 2022.


Where: Boston, Massachusetts, USA
When: 11-14 October 2022

After a gap of two years caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, the organisers and exhibitors are already getting excited at being able to greet their international friends and colleagues face-to-face.

It is forecast that delegate attendance levels will exceed the previous numbers of over 3,000 pest management professionals, at least 500 of which come from overseas, representing over 55 countries.

The venue is the John B Hynes Veterans Memorial Convention Center in Boston. This is the same purpose-built venue which proved very popular when hosting PestWorld 2012.

The programme will run along the traditional pattern of an opening ceremony on 11 October, followed by three days of exhibition time and conference sessions.

The exhibition, which has been designed to accommodate upwards of 200 stands, is already nearly fully booked.

Plans are well underway putting together the numerous educational sessions running over the three days which will cover virtually every technical and commercial topic relating to pest control.

Added to this are the various organised receptions and fringe events, plus free time to network and catch-up with friends.

“We look forward to once again greeting our international colleagues this year at PestWorld 2022,” said Dominique Stumpf, NPMA’s Chief Executive Officer.

“We have missed the collaboration and participation of our counterparts across the globe.”

Details which will be updated regularly, covering registration, the programme, exhibition, hotel accommodation and travel arrangements can be found on the PestWorld 2022 website.


USA too far? Not to worry, plenty going on in old blighty.

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