BPCA Manufacturer and Distributor member Bayer's Harmonix® poultry red mite (PRM) is now included in the BEIC list of products that can be used on Lion Code egg farms.

Ken Black, Bayer rural hygiene manager, says this is great news for the laying industry as it provides producers with an alternative solution for PRM control.
“A PRM infestation can lead to bird stress and health issues resulting in up to a 20% reduction in egg production, which can have a significant impact on flock profitability,” says Ken.
“The inclusion of this unique product within the Lion Code means farmers have access to an alternative fast and targeted non-chemical control, which helps improve bird welfare and minimise resistance issues.”
Harmonix® PRM can be applied when the birds are housed and is exempt from biocide product registration, meaning no prescription is required to purchase or apply the product.
“To see the best results, it’s important the product has direct contact with the PRM and it’s vital to treat all areas where mites harbour such as, dusty surfaces including perches, nest boxes and conveyors,” he explains.
“We’re really pleased that Harmonix® PRM is now on the list as this product can provide many benefits to egg farmers. This formulation provides an alternative solution to stop mites in their tracks, at any stage in the flock cycle,” concludes Ken.
Harmonix® PRM can be used as a standalone treatment, or in sequence with conventional insecticides.
For more information contact the Bayer Pest Solutions Team on 00800 1214 9451 or pestsolutions@bayer.com