Pest control sector news and updates

25 October 2023

Flock Off bird control innovations to feature at PestEx 2024


Conventional bird control methods, while effective to some extent, have often fallen short in providing long-term and comprehensive solutions, say US-based business Flock Off

But the Flock Off system harnesses the power of science with cutting-edge electromagnetic technology to offer an intelligent, humane, and eco-friendly approach to avian management.


Developed by a team of experts and engineers, this product takes a giant leap forward in providing a long-lasting solution to persistent bird infestations in a range of industries and environments.

How it works

The fundamental principle behind the Flock Off system lies in its ability to disrupt the natural magnetic orientation of birds without causing them harm.

Birds have an innate sense of the Earth's magnetic field, which helps guide them during navigation.

By emitting carefully calibrated electromagnetic signals, this innovative device effectively interferes with the birds' magnetic perception, disorienting them and discouraging them from inhabiting treated areas.

Unique advantages

  • Comprehensive deterrence
    Unlike traditional bird control methods that may only target specific bird species, Flock Off's electromagnetic technology is effective against a wide range of avian pests. Whether dealing with pigeons, seagulls, sparrows, or starlings, the product offers comprehensive deterrence, making it an ideal solution for diverse applications.
  • Long-lasting solution
    The underlying science behind Flock Off leverages a cutting-edge method derived from scientific insights. Our solution maintains its efficacy over time, preventing birds from becoming habituated and defeating any adaptive strategies.
  • Environmentally responsible
    The electromagnetic technology is 100% humane, as well as being environmentally friendly, safeguarding both birds and other non-targeted wildlife. This ethical approach aligns with modern conservation principles and offers a sustainable solution to avian pest management.
  • Minimal maintenance and 24/7 operation
    Once installed, the Flock Off system operates round the clock with minimal maintenance requirements. Its automated operation ensures constant protection, freeing up valuable time and resources for users.
  • Versatile applications
    From agriculture and manufacturing, arenas and aviation, to commercial and residential spaces, Flock Off can be applied across various industries, tailoring its effectiveness to specific needs.

Flock Off represents a groundbreaking leap in avian pest management technology.

As industries and pest controllers embrace this cutting-edge technology, they can look forward to a future free from the persistent challenges posed by avian pests.


You can find out more about Flock Off on stand 20 at PestEx 2024 in London.

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