Pest control sector news and updates

16 March 2020

ICUP 2020 conference postponed

The organising and executive committees for the International Conference on Urban Pests (ICUP) have made the decision to postpone the 10th ICUP Conference.

The event was planned to run from 29 June to 1 July 2020 in Barcelona, Spain.


The Conference is now re-scheduled for 13 to 15 September 2021 and will be held at the same location.

ICUP organisers have said that "this decision is based on the continued spread and impact of the Covid-19 virus.

"The health and safety of all ICUP delegates is a major priority, accompanied by a desire to minimise disruption, had the decision been left until nearer the event."

We value the support of the ICUP community during this response to the unexpected and unprecedented global situation.

Dr Rubén Bueno

As Dr Rubén Bueno, chairman of the ICUP organising committee, explained: “This was no easy decision. However, we believe that moving the ICUP to September 2021 will reduce risks and ensure a more successful event.

"The new confirmed Conference dates are 13-15 September 2021, in the same venue, at Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain.

“Delegates who have already registered, or who have had presentations accepted, will doubtless have questions about the new arrangements.

"We have been working on the alternative plans, and have now prepared a series of questions and answers on the 2020 ICUP Conference website at designed to address these concerns.

"In addition, a new website has been created for the 2021 event at

“We value the support of the ICUP community during this response to the unexpected and unprecedented global situation. We wish you all well at this challenging time,” he concludes.

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